Yoga and Hinduism rituals are not for ridiculing

Sydney, 28 February 2020

Federation of Indian Associations of NSW (FIAN) has seen a recent video of Mr Josh Frydenberg (Treasurer of Australia), point scoring in the Parliament. In this video he is naming certain rituals involving yoga and Hinduism while mocking an opposition MP. It is clear that he is employing yoga and Hinduism rituals in this political point scoring. Ridiculing any aspect of yoga and Hinduism is offensive to the Hindu community of Australia. The Hindu community considers this ridiculing unacceptable and inappropriate.

FIAN would like the Minister to reflect on what he said in the Parliament and withdraw those offensive comments.

FIAN does not believe that any political leader should ridicule and make jokes about any religion and its practices.

Dr Yadu Singh

President, Federation of Indian Associations of NSW

Josh Frydenberg